Anarchy Minecraft Server
Enjoy yourself with the newest Anarchy Minecraft Server!

Our awesome “IGC MONTHLY ANARCHY” is an Anarchy Minecraft Server with monthly wipes. There are no build/destroy limits in our server, the only limit is your imagination! In the first week of each month, the Server changes the map and resets all player stats, so you can start an amazing new adventure!
We have played the major survival games (Rust, Scum, 7 Days to Die, etc.) and brought to Minecraft those missing features that are so appreciated in other games. The result is an extreme Minecraft Server, suitable for extreme players!

You can click the links below for a quick reference of the page:

Unique features create an explosive cocktail
- Only for original Minecraft JAVA Edition (Premium only)
- Playable from Minecraft version 1.9 up to the latest
- Difficulty: Hard
- Small and interactive map of 2000 blocks to facilitate PVP (click here)
- 10 Random Spawn Points for Players
- Every hour there is a random drop of chests full of loot
- Night is skipped if 50% of the players sleep
- Barter between players with convenient graphical interface (chat command: /spt)
- Advanced statistics with rankings (chat command: /stat)
- Clan System with GUI (chat command: /clan)
- SHOP with only aesthetic elements (No Pay to Win) (click here)
–Anarchic Mobs
–More than 400 self-generated Structures full of Mobs and Loot
Connect now to our amazing Minecraft Server where you can create, destroy, kill, raid and grief anything you want! Anarchy server is a type of Server with fully editable game map and no protected areas.

So get ready for PVP fights and constant attacks on your buildings! Staying alive is not easy on our server, but if you activate your wits you can find solutions to survive “fairly” easily. Building a house underground or inside a mountain, for example, can be a good way to start the game. Remember though, no structure is 100% safe! Everything is raidable, everything is griefable on IGC MONTHLY ANARCHY!
You can have fun on our Minecraft Server either alone or with your friends, there are no limits to team size either!
Beware of strangers instead! Some players you don’t know may adopt psychological techniques to harm you, e.g. someone may pretend to be friendly in chat and ask you for compromising information such as game coordinates. Never reveal your location in public chat and especially never communicate it to people you have only just met and cannot trust. You would risk being easily killed and griefed by unscrupulous opponents. Be smart!
If you have any questions or problems, you can always turn to our staff, most of whom are of legal age, who will be happy to support you. In the Server you will find an Administrator who does not participate in the game but only has supervisory functions, and you will find several Moderators and Helpers with whom you can share the game. Moderators have the task of controlling the chat, while helpers welcome new users and answer questions about the game.
If you also want to become part of our staff, behave well in the game (welcome newcomers with kindness, be available to everyone) and after a few days of evaluation you might be selected to work with us!
The good thing is that you can create in total freedom,
the bad is that others will destroy everything without mercy!
The elements that distinguish us from the oldest minecraft anarchy servers.

Italia Gaming Club rewards you every day and gives the VIP package to the best players.
Every day you can redeem a prize with the chat command /rewards. The more you play, the more you win! The reward you receive depends on the hours you spend in the game!
At the beginning of each month we award players and clans that have particularly distinguished themselves in the previous month.
BEST MINER – Highest number of mined diamonds – Prize: ‘Diamond VIP’ Package for 1 Month
BEST KILLER – Most players killed – Prize: ‘Diamond VIP’ package for 1 month
BEST CLAN – Best K/D ratio – Maximum 5 members – Prize: ‘Diamond VIP’ to the entire clan for 1 month
Through convenient in-game chat commands, you can access advanced features.
/spt – Opens the graphical user interface of your shop, where you can enter the items you wish to offer for sale. You can select the quantities and prices of all products. We have not included an alternative economy in the game, so you can consider barter as the only form of trade.
/spt trade player_name – Check the items for sale of player “player_name”
/stat – It opens the guide to controlling player statistics. You can check hundreds of statistics (kills, deaths, crafting, looting, game time, etc.) with corresponding rankings.
/clan – Opens the GUI for clan management. You can change the clan tag, check the rankings, use the private chat.
>>>For VIP package commands visit the SHOP
Very few but precise rules to ensure the best gaming experience.
NO CHEAT – The use of cheats and abuse of game mechanics or bugs is strictly forbidden, under penalty of permanent ban! The server is equipped with an advanced Anticheat system that monitors all player activity in real time.
NO LAG – The server is hosted in Europe and is suitable for European players with low ping. At the same time, activities on the server that can cause huge increases in lag (e.g. lava flows or huge redstone circuits) are prohibited.
NO VOLGARITY AND BEHAVIOUR PROHIBITED BY THE EULA – The server is anarchic, but this does not mean that you can behave in a vulgar or disrespectful manner. At the same time, behaviour such as incitement to hatred, racism, bullying, pornography and scam is strictly forbidden.
NO WITHER – Spawning of Wither is not permitted due to the high destructive effects
We have created an interactive map to make it easier for players to find their way around. Log in now to see your location in real time! If you need support or just want to chat, drop by and see us on the Discord server.
Several years have passed since the first time we created a Minecraft server…
It was 2016 and version 1.10 was being played on Minecraft, when for the first time at the Italia Gaming Club we decided to create a Minecraft Server. Our community, at the time, had debuted a few months earlier on Teamspeak Servers, achieving the first encouraging results. The Minecraft Server was a response to the request of numerous users who were starting to frequent Teamspeak and wanted a ‘virtual’ place to play with friends. We thus created the first IGC Server, hosted from the beginning on small VPSs and later on dedicated machines with first-rate hardware.
The FIRST MINECRAFT SERVER was public with several modes, the main ones being: SURVIVAL ECONOMY, SKYWARS, ARENA PVP, CREATIVE. Through a beautiful initial hub you could choose your preferred game mode. The Server was a great success in the order of thousands of players and over the next 3 years it was the scene of very entertaining and unforgettable moments for everyone.
The great complexity of managing a server with different game modes, the high costs of the machines and a gradual reduction in the user base slowly caused the end of our first experience with Minecraft servers.
In the period 2019-2020, we did not run Minecraft servers and devoted ourselves to developing projects on other video games. This led to 2021, when with version 1.18 we created our SECOND SERVER, this time in a private version with whitelisting. In this second management experience, we opted for a smaller structure with only the SURVIVAL game mode. Several historical users of the first server returned by invitation and for 2 years we had a lot of fun on this private server.
We finally arrive at the Summer of 2023, when after four years of absence from public listings, and after having long planned a comeback with a bang, the Italia Gaming Club inaugurates its THIRD MINECRAFT SERVER: IGC Monthly Anarchy.


Normally, Anarchist servers last many months or years before they reach map deletion. In doing so, however, after a short time the maps are completely destroyed by players and become completely inhospitable to newcomers.
With the IGC Monthly Anarchy Server, we at the ITALIA GAMING CLUB wanted to overcome this map issue by imposing a MONTHLY WIPE as has already been done for some time on the well-known survival videogame ‘RUST’. The first week of each month, the server is completely wiped and we start again with a new map and statistics! This allows us to offer new players a map rich in resources and unexplored terrain!
Anarchy mode places no brakes and instead allows you to do whatever you want, within the confines of the very few rules. Finally, the absence of a ‘pay to win’ payment system ensures that all players are equal and have no particular advantages in game. In fact, our shop is only dedicated to aesthetic items that do not give any concrete advantages.
Our goal is to entertain as many people as possible within a serious and reliable gaming environment. More than competitive players, we value polite players who know how to respect others!
The server is suitable for players of all ages, in compliance with the Minecraft EULA, and our staff is committed to providing a safe gaming space on a daily basis. Everyone can freely express their own personality and ideas, but always with respect for other people! If any player annoys you or you think they are misbehaving (e.g. cheating), please report it to our moderators immediately.
That being said, ours is not a server for novices (so-called noobs), but is particularly suitable for veteran players with extensive gaming experience, given the extreme nature of the anarchy mode. If you are a Minecraft expert, join now and prove your worth; if you’ve only been playing for a short time, we recommend you join a server with a simpler mode where you can learn the game at a more relaxed pace.
This is our philosophy, if you share it all you have to do is open Minecraft and log on to MC.ITALIAGAMING.CLUB!

A Minecraft Anarchy server is a server with a fully editable map and no special game restrictions. The only rules to be followed on IGC Monthly Anarchy are: no cheats, no lag, no vulgarity and behaviour forbidden by the EULA, no spawning wither. On a Minecraft Anarchy Server you can do almost anything!
No, you can’t.
No, you can only connect to the Anarchy Minecraft Server with an original Minecraft account. You can buy Minecraft on the official Microsoft page
You can use them if you want to be quickly banned by the admin and laughed at by the whole community (we don’t joke about these things and the ban comes without warning!). Ours is a NO Hack NO Cracked Anarchy Minecraft Server.
No, ours is not a server for beginners!
No, a Vanilla Server is characterised by the lack of substantial modifications to the original software. Our Server offers a Vanilla-like gaming experience but is equipped with additional features, through the integration of dozens of plugins, which exclude it from the strict definition of a Vanilla Server.
If you search on Google, you will find several servers that bear the title ‘Oldest Minecraft Anarchy Server’. This is because classic Anarchy Servers do not practice periodic map deletion as we do at the Italia Gaming Club. Consequently, for classic Anarchy Servers, existing longer is considered a merit and indicates reliability.
We at the Italia Gaming Club are well aware that we are “the last to arrive” in the sphere of Anarchy Servers, which is why, since we cannot aspire to be “The oldest Minecraft Anarchy Server”, every month thanks to wipes we boast, if only for a few moments, of being “The newest Minecraft Anarchy Server in the world”.
There is no definitive answer because people have different tastes and may prefer one server to another. Consequently, it is not possible to determine with certainty which is the absolute best, but everyone can elect the server they personally consider the best.
If you bring a friend to our server, we will give you both the Diamond VIP package for one month.
WARNING: “Italia Gaming Club” and “IGC Monthly Anarchy” are not official Minecraft services. Our services are not endorsed by or associated with “Mojang” or “Minecraft”.